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Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Does anyone else keep misreading the title as "Korean Burning"...
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
I shall charge you for my gut operation after hearing that, you wrecked both my gut and my face at the same time..... ouch... I am no-long-er alive... I-am-dead...
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :That's the worlds worst plan ever

60$ a month, Unlimited Data, 200 Daytime (I never talk on the phone ). Free Evening/ ID, Waiting, No Activation, and my original phone only cost me 100$ (iPhone I bought seperately.)

There are no Android phones that seem even.. kinda usable.

Heh, so I pay less a month, got paid $75 to take the phone instead of paying 100 FOR the phone (and then licking Apple's rear buy buying outright an iPhone to boot), have the same features (and no SYS access fee or 911 fee either), more than double the day minutes (which you're right, is useless, but still) and 3 gigs that I'll never use up (seriously...) and you conclude that it's a worse plan?

In regular use there's really no drastic difference in ... "usability", it functions quite similar so far. If I treat it like my friends iPhone it seems to do the same things so I'm not sure what you're on about (yet).

Quote from thisnameistaken :
If the lag starts to bother you, you can always root it and install one of the 2.2 ROMs, apparently it's much quicker than any earlier Android release. But you have to root your phone to install it - officially the Hero can't run 2.2.

I have no idea what that means... (rooting) But yeah I'm on a long contract of 3 years. Supposedly I'll be getting the 2.1 OS within a month or two but from what I can find on the intertubes that's been the case for 9 months already

I seriously considered a Samsung phone after looking at the AMOLED, man what a nice screen.
Last edited by Ball Bearing Turbo, .
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Thanks for the opinions fellas, I appreciate it!

I ended up with lowly (compared to what's out there) HTC Hero. Pretty decent little Android phone though. I decided that tethering was important to me for one thing. The phone was free, they gave me a $75 gift card, and I only pay $55/mo for 3 gigs data, 450 daytime min (I never use daytime), 6pm free evening/weekend, free call ID/VM/waiting, no activation fee... seemed like a great deal.

Plus I just couldn't live with myself if I put more money into Steve Jobs' pocket and contributed to Apple's retarded iSociety (man I wish iRacing was called something else).
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Yeah we have those phones here DWB. What's "better" about the Android OS?
Smart Phones - Need Guru Advice Please!
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed

So I've decided it's time to bite the bullet and get a proper phone now. Looking for advice on what phones, or specifically what OS I should be considering.

The temptation is to just go snap up an iPhone 4G, but something tells me that there's probably something a lot better since the general masses flock towards the iPhone

Opinions please!
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
If you click the VHPA link in his sig, you'll get a great piece of software that'll answer your questions.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
You could change the CD with LFSTweak so it's not hard coded...

Also the compression ratios in turbo cars would generally be lower but LFS doesn't have much sophistication in the engine simulation yet, and thus it's a moot point in this context .
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
@ OP: Hm, if you look around I'm pretty sure that Bob had figured out the drivetrain losses and posted them somewhere. Might have to dig a bit.

@ Above: Tristan was just saying it could be coincidental; not making a direct correlation between 4wd and aero.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :I still want to know what I did to you.

This is pretty much the only thing that is coherent in your posts, so I will respond to it:

Aside from blaming me with absolutely no foundation for the break up of your team NASSA, and publicly ranting about it consistently whilst under the influence of probably everything imaginable, nothing.

You've had some pretty bad turns in life, but you need to do yourself a favour and get some help... again. I always thought when you disappeared for so long that maybe you were getting your shit together, and it does sadden me greatly you're still swimming in the same pit of self pity. How many more years are you going to waste? For an old guy you really, REALLY, need to grow up Wayne.

I also suggest that if you have any more random words to throw at me that you do so via PM and not totally nuke this thread, it's one of the only good ones left - let's not take it down.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :Jeff thinks Money is GOD..(I don't care much for Jeff BBT) But when he says "People are jealous of me because they can't AFFORD)

Listen chap, nobody but you ever did *anything* to your team. The only reason I'm dignifying your dribble with a response tonight is that few people in the last few years have had the opportunity to experience the occasional but intense, over the top hurt you've brought this community; and I wouldn't want anything you say to be taken seriously even if it was coherent. If you would've used enough common sense, and my post history, to guide your failing thoughts, you would've seen the comments that are invisible. It was nothing more than a playful jab that you clearly missed, and misquoted to boot.

Quote from AtomAnt :You should find ant easier attack.Still on the weak...and Moses said...I have 2 tablets,,your headaches are over

For a guy who places hisself above us all....christ

It was 3 years and we(NASSA) added you by mistaken,,,we were looking for Winchester...also a Jeff..hope I didn't hurt your feelings..please forgive me if i Did

There is no easier attack I'm afraid. You consistently show up here and say ludicrous things to an assortment of folk - I'm surprised your ban wasn't permanent the way you spewed racist nonsense in you last tirade. Ryan, Eric, and the rest of the old crew no doubt feel the same sense of chagrin; if they don't I'll leave that up to them to say so. This isn't a public matter anyway and if it hadn't been so long I would never bother to drag it further public. No forgiveness necessary; nothing you ever could say would ever affect me on a personal level .

Quote :And just so you know before you speak ill again, didn't see you at my Daughters memorial race...

It is tragic, and it's pretty cheap to both her and everyone else to drag that in here. All I can do is shake my head, I'm pretty sure you'll regret going there when you come to.

Quote from AtomAnt :Nope..I'm Mr quote"

... you do realize he wasn't speaking to you? Right?

Quote from AtomAnt :Oh Wait I just Git it, Jeff means he has so many Girls in his life ....or did I miss the toilet paper joke?

Nope, just one for the last 13 years
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from spanks :


The sampled sound is fantastic for the flyby. Hopefully with the new sound engine they're working with they can liven things up a bit.

Indeed, if they can ever achieve the fidelity they're after, it'll be a great day. Anyone recall that hoax pre-LFS S2 using the 16 cyl posing as an LX6? Good times!

Quote from PMD9409 :Ever thought it would be nice for when a new car/track comes out we have a trial week to test it? Would be nice to know whether you actually want to dig in your pockets or not.

Let alone new car/track; they really should suck it up and let anyone have a go offline for a month with developed AI. iR needs to advertise at least a glimmer of what real competition is like. Not that they're not moving forward at a pace that's reasonable for the genre, but I think if they were more aggressive about showing what they're really about to people OTHER than their target audience ... all the better. However I like it just the way it is.

Quote from AtomAnt :Thought you had kids to raise, but I see you still spending thier college fund acting like a child. We all know Iracing is overpriced...or we all do except you. and for the record. I'd rather spend 9.700 on a good guitar than a good sim

Still on the booze, that's a shame. I always expected more of you. Most people face far less adversity than you and yet still show a lot more class and self control; and generally speaking some sort of personal victory... But, I guess if you're born to act four years old for the rest of your life, perhaps you're confined to that. I always hoped you'd find something more fulfilling in life but I suspect your time has come and gone - for that I am truly sorry. As I said a few years ago (like... 5?!), I still wish you all the best and hope you can straighten your life out for good eventually.

I also have no idea what sort of guitar you can buy for "9.700" of any currency. Good luck with that.

Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
/start blatant troll attempt
I find that most people who give a rats ass yet can't (yah right) afford iRacing are pretty mad at it...
/end blatant troll attempt
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Pff, done. Toilet paper costs more per year, and I have a chance to ride with Dale :P
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
I read in this very thread 2 years ago that it was doomed to infernal, horrible failure.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
What are you talking about? He's been around for ages. He never said that he's ONLY been around the last 6 months.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
No one likes papayas?
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :nor can anyone else in the world for that matter

lol, I don't even know what that is supposed to mean... Scratching my antlers on that one.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Compared to most places, it is pretty much uninhabited. I'd have to check but I'm pretty sure our pop density is insanely low. Same with our pop's density.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from Hallen :We do, we do. We sends money to feed them nasty looking mush.

My understanding is that doing so helps U.S. Americans to find their own country on a map. Must be how the posted map was developed - very innovative!
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
I thought that U.S. Americans help the Africa though?!
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
That word doesn't rhyme with the way "fussy" is pronounced btw...
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :beer and cake...

Make sure it's purchased over there since we don't make anything worth drinking here...

but... why on Earth would you mix it with cake?!:vomit:
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from petervsp : LFS have best tyre physics on the market with current tyre model (Z28), and there is no other comparable tyre physics on the market. ... There are so many "simulator called" (game rather) products, with so many updates, every time new update, but basic core of product is not developed completely. I called these as Illusion. Most important for him is content what is still updated, but basic core of all these content is still not developed completly.

LFS probably has the best "general" tire physics model around right now, but when it comes to a specific tire on a specific vehicle, iRacing is still a tangible degree foward in that area despite having an inferior approach at this time. This is only attributable to the fact that they have access to data that is not readily available which they've made decent use of thus far.

Therefore, saying there is no comparable tire physics on the market is a dodgy thing to say... in terms of accuracy in the context of the simulated vehicle, iRacing is notably ahead for now; even given a substandard approach.

Luckily, their tire physics guru knows that it's a substandard approach and is nigh unto releasing a new model despite possessing the best there is right now. It's already been stated that his physical model matches the appropriate data for the current emperical model: which means that he's crunched enough numbers to make his physical model match his emperical model for measurable, verifiable figures and yet have the benefit of the fact that the physical model will be far less likely to break down in less measured areas of slip. That is exciting news.

Also, in case there was the implication here: as I already said, the folks who are busting their asses (and probably having a blast doing so, so that's a subjective statement) creating content are NOT the same people who are doing physics based updates (save for some minor overlaps when appropriate... gotta use the talent you have right?). So comparing different areas of development, at least in iRacing's case, is bogus. Kaemmer isn't in Europe right now assisting in the most authentic recreation of Spa ever invented; he's still in his cell making the most authentic tire model ever to match it. By Christmas I'd estimate that you'll have the best of both worlds available for a nominal fee and hopefully if a few bucks turns you off, you'll have the 2nd best thing over here with a bunch of fictional but still fun alternatives.
Last edited by Ball Bearing Turbo, .
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Agreed, very interesting, sounds like complex stuff, almost cutting edge?, could it be the most thorough simulation of tyres yet?.

Based on anything else out there today, could very well be indeed. One has to wonder if Scawen's model and Kaemmer's model will be out basically around the same time. I think that's going to be the most curious comparison the genre's ever seen, and maybe ever will see in the next 5 to 10 years. Both have been a long time coming, and although iRacing has a tremendous amount of resources available, all the research and the tire model really comes down to one man over there much like it does here. iR simply has tons of people doing other things which is why they can pump content out.

Looking foward to driving two new models from the two most talented tire model developers around, that's for sure